Epson Print Admin Savings Calculator

Calculate your savings

You could save over five years1 with Epson Print Admin.

Your Results

Calculated savings with Epson Print Admin

Current printing costs Estimated printing costs with Epson Print Admin

Cost comparison over 5 years

Current printing costs

Current black and white printing costs
Current colour printing costs
Current total printing costs

Estimated printing costs with Epson Print Admin

Black and white printing costs with Epson Print Admin
Colour Printing costs with Epson Print Admin
Estimated printing costs with Epson Print Admin

Total savings over 5 years
  1. The savings calculator expresses an estimated saving based on selected rules and policies.
    Actual savings may differ depending on advanced settings of rules and policies, and type of jobs printed.
    The savings estimate does not take into account the gain in productivity offered by numerous Epson Print Admin features.

Edit and recalculate your savings.


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Epson Print Admin

No piles of paper lying around printers thanks to easy selection of which documents should be printed - documents follow users to the printer, eliminating the most common cause of print waste while increasing document security. Every rule can cause a notification to be sent to the print job’s owner - this notification is an easy way to educate users about responsible behaviour, such as when printing large documents in colour.